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August 13, 2021

在圣安东尼奥出售混合用途物业-这是一个好的投资吗? - Blog Image




在圣安东尼奥,混合用途物业的开发正在兴起. There are plans for new developments downtown near the Riverwalk, in the Pearl District, as well as in other parts of the city. 在您的房地产投资组合中,您是否应该考虑在圣安东尼奥出售混合用途物业? Here’s what you need to know about this type of investment.

What is Mixed-use Property?

混合用途物业基本上是一个拥有多种类型房地产的物业,它设置在一个行人友好的环境中. 例如,它可以包括零售商店、办公室和住宅的组合. 这类物业的企业和居民都能从这一安排中受益. When compared to single-use properties, mixed-use buildings show better long-term performance, high returns, and more predictable income streams. 近年来,在圣安东尼奥出售的混合用途房产变得越来越普遍.

Different Types of Mixed-use Commercial Property

混合用途物业的设计和用途可能会有很大的不同. But in general, they fall into one of several categories.

Vertical Mixed-use Property -这种类型的商业物业通常是在较低楼层的零售和服务空间的混合, offices along the middle floors, and upper floors that contain either residential or hotel units.

Horizontal Mixed-use Property – With this type of commercial property, there are multiple single-use buildings that include businesses, retail stores, and residential units all within walking distance.

Walkable Mixed-use Property – In this kind of commercial property, 有水平和垂直的空间,它们通常由某种户外广场固定, event space, or market area.

在圣安东尼奥,你可以找到以上每一类待售的混合用途房产. 由于多种原因,这类商业地产的需求有所增加. 首先,世界运作的方式近年来发生了变化. 随着企业和人们适应新冠疫情后的生活,这种转变最近变得更加明显.

There’s also been a shift in consumer behavior. 今天的许多人并不认为拥有住房是美国梦.  他们有一种“生活-工作-娱乐”的心态,与过去典型的郊区生活方式相比,他们更喜欢便利和步行.

As a result, there’s an increased demand for apartments. 但是,房东们再次认识到,如今的公寓居民想要的是舒适的设施和便利. 混合用途物业很有吸引力,因为它们在住宅空间的几步之内提供所有这些.

混合用途的房产对房东和房地产开发商来说是可取的,因为它们实际上是在城市中创建城市,从而推动土地的更有效利用. 此外,在经济低迷时期,它们比一次性房产表现更好.

Pros and Cons of Buying Mixed-use property

在圣安东尼奥投资混合用途房产有很多很好的理由,同时也有理由谨慎对待这类房地产. The key is knowledge so that you can weigh both the pros and cons. Here are a few to consider:

The Pros of Mixed-use Property

First, 拥有混合用途的房产,你可以将其出租给不同类型的租户,这意味着你的收入来源多样化. 事实证明,这种类型的房产在经济低迷时期的表现优于一次性房产.

一个额外的好处是,租户发现这种类型的物业是可取的, 特别是零售和商业租户作为混合使用吸引了更多的客流量, which can lead to more business. 混合用途物业也有利于保护,因为它减少了扩张,保护了环境资源.

The Cons of Mixed-use Property

另一方面,如果规划不当,混合用途物业可能会变质. 例如,商业租户和住宅租户之间可能出现冲突. 如果没有公共交通工具,或者没有可用的停车位,糟糕的规划也可能导致交通拥堵或停车问题.

另一个潜在的缺点是,为这些开发项目之一获得融资可能是一项挑战, 特别是在较小的市场,因为机构贷款机构倾向于一级市场.

How to qualify to buy mixed-use property

Unless you have large amounts of cash lying around, you’ll likely need a loan to buy mixed-use property in San Antonio. 大多数商业地产的混合用途贷款在50万美元到2500万美元之间. The maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio on these loans is 75 percent. So, 你可能需要拿出至少25%的房产购买价格作为首付款.

虽然利率各不相同,但商业混合用途贷款的利率通常在5%到7%之间. These rates are available as both fixed and variable. 除了利率,你还需要支付贷款发起费和成交费. And many loans also come with a prepayment penalty.

与其他类型的商业贷款一样,有最低资格要求. They are as follows:

A personal credit score of at least 660
6 to 12 months of cash reserves
A minimum debt service coverage ratio of 1.25
At least 2 years of stable operating history in your business


Mixed-use Property in San Antonio

混合用途房产在圣安东尼奥及其正在改变城市的某些地区越来越受欢迎. For example, there’s The Pearl development. 它占地27英亩,靠近市中心,市中心包括历史悠久的珍珠啤酒厂,以及办公和零售空间的计划, multi-family units, and even an event space. There’s also a 1000 room convention center hotel in the works. Altogether, this will be a $560 million mixed-use development.

而市区项目仍在规划阶段,珍珠区正在开发中, 镇上还有其他地区的混合用途物业已经蓬勃发展. Take the Quarry Village in Alamo Heights, for example. This property includes about 71,000平方英尺的零售和娱乐空间以及288个单元的公寓大楼.

它包括著名的商店和餐馆,包括Trader Joe 's, Jamba Juice, and Orangetheory Fitness.


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